You can start from any square on the front row of the checkerboard and move only to adjacent squares (diagonally, horizontally, or vertically).
A question will be displayed in the box below the checkerboard.
You have to answer the question in the text box.
After you have answered the question, select an adjacent square and continue answering questions until you reach the last row.
You must answer at least one question correctly from each row of the board and all your correctly answered squares must form a continuous path from the top row to the bottom row.
You have to reach any square on the last row as quickly as possible.
You will lose points for each incorrect answer.
The game finishes when you have reached the bottom row or if you have
run out of time.
Board quiz
You have to answer all the questions on the board in order to finish the game.
You can select any square on the board at any time to answer the question for the square.
When you select the square a question is shown below the board.
Answer the question by entering your answer in the answer box and move on to the next square.
You lose marks for every incorrect answer.
The game finishes when you have completed all the squares on the board
or if you have run out of time.
Bingo quiz
In this game, unlike the other two, all the answers are shown on the squares on the checkerboard.
You are required to use your mouse to click on the correct answer to the question shown.
You are given three chances to answer the question and you will lose marks for every incorrect answer.
The game finishes when you have completed all the squares on the board
or if you have run out of time.