Conference Schedule

*AIR® Emphasis

Time Content Assessment Assessment Leadership Construction Tools Deep Dive Edcite Playground Data
8:15 - 8:30 Registration Sign up for an Unconference & Lunch
8:30 - 9:30 Keynote: Pendulum Swings & Politics - Assessments in the U.S. Christa Krohn (Performing Arts Center)
9:35 - 10:25 Up Close and Personal
Christa Krohn (Rm. 222)
A Model for District Assessment Making Cycle
Marcie Elbright (Rm. 220)
Fast, Formative Assessment Tools to Inform Instruction
Christy Sinko & Jennifer Fauskey (Rm. 216)
The Assessment Continuum
Donna Snodgrass (Rm. 218)
Learn: How teams in Ohio are using Edcite and Edcite Schools
Wouldn't It be Nice if All Your Student Data Lived in One Place?
Chris Rose & Chris Dam (Rm. 312)
10:30 - 11:20 The ELA Teacher Meets the Psychometrician
Dr. Bryan R. Drost & Tricia Ebner (Rm. 214)
Adaptive Technology: A 21st Century Tool to Drive Instruction, Optimize Achievement and Close the Achievement Gap
Sara Stoddard & Theresa Goodlett (Rm. 222)
Engaging Digital Assessment Tools
Dave Miller & Mike Triska (Rm. 216)
Play: Independent & Guided Edcite Exploration
Edcite Schools Reports & Responding to Data (Rm. 312)
11:25 - 12:20 Three Principles in Aligned Math Assessments
Dr. Bryan R. Drost (Rm. 214)
Beyond Gifted Identification: Using Data from Gifted Screenings
Tricia Ebner (Rm. 222)
Play: Independent & Guided Edcite Exploration
Wouldn't It be Nice if All Your Student Data Lived in One Place?
Chris Rose & Chris Dam (Rm. 312)
12:25 - 1:05 Lunch / Unconference
1:10 - 2:10 A Conversation and Overview of What Disciplinary Literacy Assessment Looks Like in Math, Science, ELA, History, and Other Technical Subjects
Joanne Krajeck (Rm. 220)
Standards-Based Grading Practices: How traditional grading no longer aligns with today's vision and culture for learning
Dr. Betty Jo Malchesky (Rm. 222)
Visible Thinking Strategies in Formative Assessment
Dr. Bryan R. Drost & Tricia Ebner (Rm. 214)
Standards Based Performance Level Descriptors—Defining what Students can do as They Progress Towards Mastery
Char Shryock (Rm. 241C)
Learn: How teams in Ohio are using Edcite and Edcite Schools
Edcite Schools Reports & Responding to Data (Rm. 312)
2:15 - 3:15 Data 2.0—5 Steps for Instructional Adjustment
Dr. Bryan R. Drost (Rm. 214)
Leading, Learning, and Connecting to the Depths of Knowledge (DOK) for Student Success!
Jarred Zapolnik & Tiffany Ficther (Rm. 222)
The Data You've Been Dreaming Of - Preview New Admin Reports
Brian McIntosh (Rm. 216)
Play: Independent & Guided Edcite Exploration

Ohio Assessment Literacy Conference will be held at

Brunswick City Schools
3581 Center Rd. Brunswick, OH 44212

Learn more about
Edcite and Edcite Schools