Review and Grade Assignment
The Review Assignment page allows review and grading of an assignment.
Grade by Student
Grade by Question
Grading Free Responses Inline
Grading with Feedback
Using Rubrics
Grading Tips
Grade By Student
The Grade by Student tab shows the list of students, and status and total scores for each student. Indicated in yellow is the score portion of the assignment yet to be graded.
Click the button on any row to open the assignment details for the student in that row. Click Open All at the top, to open assignment details for all students.
Grade By Question
Go to the Grade By Question tab to grade students work by question. Please allow some time for the assignment data for all students to be loaded.
You will first see a list of questions. The yellow underline indicates free response or multi-part questions that require grading.
Click on a question number to see the list of students, and question score for each student.
Click the button on any row to open the question details for the student in that row. Click Open All at the top, to open question details for all students.
Grading Options
Grading is allowed only at the question level, i.e. currently changing the score for the entire assignment, or setting the score for each question part of a multi-part question is not enabled.
The quickest grading option is to grade inline using the score box for each question. You may also open the Scoring and Remarks dialog using the Scoring and Remarks button next to the score box. (Note: if the question has a rubric, the button will say Scoring, Rubric, and Remarks.)
You may change the score for any question by editing the score in the score box for that question. Then hit ENTER, TAB, or click out of the score box to apply the new score for that question. If you do not change the value, no change is made. If you want to give a 0 for an ungraded question, type 0.0 in place of the 0, to get it to mark as graded.
It's often more productive to grade each free response for all students, before moving to the next question. To do that use the following steps:
- Go to the Grade by Question tab
- Click the question number you want to grade.
- Click Open All to open all student answers for that question
- Click into the score box for the first student, read the answer, and type the score
- Press the TAB button on your keyboard, which takes you to the next student score box
- Repeat for each of the students in the list
Grading Dialog with Optional Remarks
To add feedback remarks for students to a question, or use rubrics as described below, click the Scoring and Remarks button next to the score box. (Note: if the question has a rubric, the button will say Scoring, Rubric, and Remarks.) Here is an example of a question without a rubric:
This opens up a dialog that allows you to set the score as well as add feedback remarks for the student. Change the score value, and/or add feedback for the student, and click Apply to apply changes.
Using Rubrics
When there is a rubric for a question, the button next to the score box will say Scoring, Rubric, and Remarks, as shown here:
This opens a dialog, as shown on the right side of the image above, that has a rubric button for the question or a part of the question. Click the Rubric button to open the rubric.
Select the rubric point level and click Apply, which brings you back to the earlier Scoring, Rubric, and Remarks dialog. Verify the question score has been changed to reflect your rubric point selection. Then click Apply to apply changes.